
Welcome to Delft Multi-Sensor Information System for Situation Awareness

In the Microwave Sensing, Signals and Systems group at TU Delft we are study and developing modern radar systems, signal and data processing algorithms for different applications. We created and run a few unique radar sensors, which operate continuously (24 hours 7 day per week), collecting research data. The processing of these data provides the information, which we want to share with you. You can use it in everyday life for better awareness about current weather condition in the area around Delft.

PARSAX Radar data
Data from Scanning Radars

Near-Realtime Reflectivity Measurements of the TU Delft's MESEWI X-band Scanning Radar

***Near-Realtime and Nowcasted Rain Intensity derived from the KNMI Scanning Radar Data

Copyright Buienradar.nl

Near-Realtime, Nowcasted, and Forecasted Rain Intensity across Europe

Weather station on the top of EWI building in Delft
Conditions at local time
Temperature and humidity
Feel like Temp  
Temperature (intern)Humidity (intern)%
Apparent TemperatureLast hour variation (3hrs)
Wet thermometerLast hour variation ()
Average TemperatureDew point
WindchillnoChill hours
HumidexnoHeat indexno
SunnyNo UV index
Current solar max W/m2Solar radiation W/m2
Cloud base Is sun upYes
Rainfall rate /hrRainfall Today
Rainfall Last Hour Rainfall This Month
Rainfall since midnight Rainfall This Year
Rainfall last 24h Last rainfall (0 Min)
Snow depth  
Current wind speed Wind direction
Wind Speed (gust) Wind bearing°
Wind speed (avg) Wind bearing (avg)°
Wind bearing range from° (°)to° (°)
Beaufort scale-
Pressure (sea level)
Barometer Altimeter pressure
Pressure trend
Sun and Moon
Day lengthLength of daylight
Moon age Day  

Page updated :
powered by Cumulus ()




The Microwave Sensing, Signals and Systems (MS3) group at TU Delft is a research group, not a data provider. It means that we are using our sensing facilities (S-band PARSAX radar, X-band scanning radar, video-cameras and weather station) as a platform for experimentation (test-bed) with a primary goal to study and further develop the radar technology, sensing signals and data processing algorithms for wide range of applications. We are running in parallel many projects that periodically require to switch our sensors from standard data collection mode, which is used for presented on this site information system, to experimental modes, which could not be visualized here. We are also working continuously to improve sensing and processing capabilities of our sensors and these works can be done only off-line.

As result, we could not promise and guarantee that you will find any time this site updated with current information, but we will do our best. There are time stamps on all images, in all tables - check them carefully. 

All material provided on the Site is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the advice of a qualified professional. The information from independent public sources is publishing "as it is", with direct references to sources and copyright owners.